What is your opinion concerning girls calling boys (I'm talking about our kids, not adults here)? Depending on the age of your children, did/do/will you let your daughters call boys? How do you feel about girls calling your son(s)?This is a hot topic in the Dearest household at the moment! What do you think? Come back in two weeks, sign the Mr. Linky, and share your thoughts!
Labels: memes, Moments in Motherhood
Oooo... this one should be good!:-)
I'm just stopping by to say hello and check out the sweet bow site you're working on. Should be interesting to see the name that cute ladybug design ends up with.
Thankfully, I'm well past having to worry about my daughters calling boys. But, oh, I do remember.....
Ooh, muy intersante!
Can't wait :)
Wowzer! I want in on this one as a mom of 3 boys. I need to make a reminder tab for myself. Or post it on my head. Or use a post it note on the computer!
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