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Happily Ever After

I am really excited about a blog template design I just did for Doris at Living My Happily Ever After. Doris and I went to church together years ago. She recently joined an email loop I moderate, started reading the blogs of my partners in crime best buddies, and after a couple of months of cruising the blogosphere, bravely graciously trusted me to design her template. [Are you enjoying the strikethrough text trick, and did you notice that one was both "stricken" and linked? Cool, huh?]

I don't claim to be the most capable template designer around, which could be why only my crazy friends trust me to do it. As a matter of fact, I probably have just enough knowledge to be dangerous, but it's increasing daily. I never posted my Fall Into Reading list because I thought you would be bored to tears less-than-inspired by my current book list. After years of enduring barbs from friends and family, I've learned to embrace and feed my inner geek. I am currently working my way through Macromedia Dreamweaver 8: Training from the Source, and Adobe Photoshop CS2 Classroom in a Book is waiting patiently on the shelf for me. I am aware that this is not nightstand reading material (you actually have to read it with book in one hand, mouse in the other, and pen and highlighter close at hand), but it's me.

I am genetically wired to at least try to learn something new at all times. Actually, I was scared into action a few years ago by a commercial during the Rush Limbaugh show, which said you don't learn any new words (and it's hard to learn new things without the required lingo) past the age of 25. Obviously, that was before the days of Wikipedia and the Match Up game on The Free Dictionary, which is my daily fix.

Y'all go visit Doris and give her some encouragement as she begins her bloggity adventure! Posted by Picasa



Blogger Barb said...

I love the design you did for Doris. I know she's thrilled with it, too.

And yes, I'm afraid your book list sounds a little daunting to me but I do admire you for loving to learn new things. :-)

I am so happy for you that the blog design business is blooming-
As for the reading list, I fell asleep reading it. Kidding!! I never posted a list myself, mainly because I knew I wouldn't make it through more than maybe one book. And, one book a list does not make. LOL

Blogger Trina said...

I saw this design on your barefoot blogs page and I love it. I think it is so CUTE.

I am motivated by your need to be constantly learning. After high school I was burned out-however I just recently found my trig notebook and actually worked a few problems off my final exam. It felt good knowing that my math skills haven't left me yet!

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