On another note: Does it make you a bad mother if you tell your daughter that V8 Tropical Splash is mostly made of carrot juice in an attempt to scare her out of drinking it all?
Labels: homeschooling, silliness
A Chelsea Morning
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Baby Basics
The Beehive
Brad and Trina
Code Yellow Mom
Coleman Crew
"i have to say..."
Laurel Wreath
Life in Stillville
Life with the Ferrells
Living My Happily Ever After
More Cowbell
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Labels: homeschooling, silliness
You did NOT tell you daughter than. Shame on you! LOL
Funny cartoon...and I've been known to say the "wrong" things to my kids as well. :)
ROFLOL! Funny comic; thanks for posting it.
Love this cartoon! Seriously laughing out loud with delight that someone else understands the "pain!"
And yes, there are very definitely Mom drinks, food, and snacks in this house.
Hey there! I haven't been by for a while. My blog reading has slowed considerable, but I'm getting back at it. I love your new template...although I'm not sure really how "new" it is. Anyway, I'm forwarding this post on to a home-schooling neighbor of mine. Be back soon!
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